Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm Shutin' 'Er Down!

Well, I think my blogging days have come to an end. I am just not feelin' it anymore. I don't have anything good to say and quite frankly my life is pretty I have made an executive decision to shut down my blog. I will still be blog stalking all my fellow keep the reports comin'! Love y'all! Peace out my sista's (and brotha's...just in case)!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009


This year we did not get very good pictures for Easter...but here they are a few.....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Zaid's Virtual Birthday Party...Everyone's Invited!!!

**Check out
Geanie and I have started a bow blog for little Zaid also...there's lots of cute stuff and every penny helps!!!

(I copied this from another blog...)

OK girls, it's time to show our true colors. Geanie Rodgers is the lucky momma who is adopting the little boy from Ethiopia. They officially have his referral now and are moving forward, having faith that everything will work out. Financially, it isn't easy to adopt internationally. Actually, there's NOTHING easy about it. But knowing you are basically saving a little one's life gives you the drive to take that leap of faith and just jump in feet first. Tomorrow is little Zaid's birthday (that's what they will probably name him). He is turning two. Geanie is way way sad that her son won't even know it's his birthday, when he SHOULD be getting a huge party with lots of love and family around. So, I figured he is about to get the greatest gift any little boy deserves, a FAMILY!!!!!!!! Let's throw him birthday bash like no other!!! I will call it "HEARTS WIDE OPEN". It starts today and it will be on Geanie's family blog. I will leave the link here for it. On her blog there will be a "chip in" box. There you can buy "virtual gifts" for this party of all parties! All donations will go to the mandatory orphanage donation there. In Ethiopia it is 7,000!!! That seems crazy but it really does cost a lot of money to care for the many many children who are orphaned or abandoned there. The place he is in is a non profit so we know they are in it for the children and they need every penny. Also, you should know (I hope Geanie doesn't shoot me for this) that Geanie and Chris have sold a lot of personal possessions-big ones- to raise the funds needed to get their little boy home. They truly have the BIGGEST hearts . Unfortunately in adoption, usually the heart is bigger than the wallet. So this is how it will work. See the list below and help me decorate the party with balloons, streamers, party hats, a band, a cake, gift bags, toys, party favors and more. I will have a price attached to each one. To donate a couple balloons for instance , (just $5 a piece) click on over to their blog and donate 10.00 with just a couple clicks of the mouse at the chip in box!! It takes so little time and will make such a huge difference in this little boy's life! No donation is too little! Mighty things will come to this boy through his family! Let's help them help him!!! I pray we fill the room with everything this little child deserves! Let's do this! Ready set.............GO!!!!!!!
Cake -one tier 15.00( Let's make this the biggest cake ever!)
gift bag - 10.00
pack of party hats-7.00
pack of party streamers-7.00
Bowl of Punch-20.00
A band - 50.00
A Pony 50.00
A clown- 50.00
A toy with a bow on top!!!-10.00
A trike with a big horn!!! - 20.00

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Break '09

Oh, how I love Spring Break! And I was lucky enough to spend it at the happiest (and crowdest) place on Earth! Haylie, Tinley, and my friend Jeralee and I went to my parents beach house in Newport Beach for a few days and got to play at Disneyland. Poor Brandon was stuck home working and playing Mr. Mom to Shae and Bode and he did a great job with only one small trip to the ER (Bode had an eye infection)!

Our first day at the beach
The New Toy Story Ride
Tinley's first BIG rollercoater!
The Proof!!
We all made it in one piece!

Indiana my top 3 favorite rides.
Hanging out by Space Mountain
Mr. Potato Head..he is hilarious!
(no, I'm not talking about my little
Idaho potato...he's behind her)

C is for Coolcat Carie
Waiting for the fireworks to start

Best fireworks show ever!!
The very last ride
It's A Small World

Friday, March 13, 2009

It's Been Way TOOOOO Long!

Well, I have been sucked into the world of Facebook and so my life has been consumed with reconnecting with old, old friends. It has been so much fun, but alas my poor little blog has here's what we have been up to these days.....

Haylie and her friends
(Halli Hermensen and Chloe Gregerson)
had a photo shoot....
We formed our very own ROCK BAND...
showing nightly at the Grandma Janet Bar and Grill
Tinley is the bangin' drummer!

Haylie rocks the mic!

(note: Homan home from Iraq,
he brought us each a very generous gift!)

I had to include this one...I downloaded my pictures to find this beauty...there is nothing better than good ole fashion blood and guts!

Tinley had her Sweet Seven Par-Tay!

Flat Stanley came all the way from Chicago to visit us.

14 baby pigs were born!!!!

Our proud grandpa delivered each one
(they were 3 minutes apart)

Haylie played Saturday B-Ball.

And last but not least Haylie had her gymnastics performance!
Sorry for all the pictures! I have missed you all very much and I hope that I can find a happy balance between life, blogs, and facebook!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Tinley!

I know I say it every time, but I can't believe my little Tin Tin is 7 years old! So, here are the 7 things I love about Tinley....

1. I love her eyes! Tinley speaks through her eyes, I can always tell what kind of a mood Tinley is in by the way her eyes look. When she is happy they truly sparkle! And she is the only one with brown eyes...a little something from her mamma.

2. Tinley is very literal. She is not a big joke-ster. Well, she likes to joke but you can't tease her. I love it when Grandpa Randy walks in a room and says "hello boys" to all his granddaughters, Tinley will be the first to yell out..."We are NOT boys". After 7 years of this you think she would play along with it, but not her!

3. I love her laugh. She has the cutest giggle. It is very soft and sweet, just like her.

4. I love her kindness. She is so sweet. She is always sharing and when she gets something new she can't wait to get home to share it with her siblings.

5. I love her hair. She has the most beautiful hair. It is long and wavy and she looks so beautiful when it is down!

6. She is so artistic. Tinley has taken some art classes the past few summers and she informed me that she does not need to take them anymore because she is a true artist and I must admit she is really good!

7. Last, but not least, she is so smart!! Tinley got 100% on her whole report card this year, she even got 106% in spelling. I love that Tinley can sit for hours, I mean hours, and stick to a task. Usually it is something artsy like coloring or doing a puzzle, but from a very young age she did this. It has always amazed me!!

Tinley, you are such a joy to have in our home. You are my easiest, kindest child out of them all....that kinda sounds bad to say out loud, but I have to give you props for that! You are the best. We love you so much!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Picture Tag

I got tagged by my sweet friend Adele. Here is how you do the 4th picture from the 4th photo album on my computer and then explain the picture (and then tag 4 people). This is it.....

I had just come home from a mother-in-law/daughter trip with Janet. We had been to Disneyland I got Haylie this visor. Brandon gave me a new camera for Mother's Day, so I was messing around with the camera taking close-ups of Haylie and Tinley with their new hats.

I tag Mindy, Melanie, Geanie, and Melissa....have fun!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Appointment with Mr. Smyer

Ok Ladies! I contacted the gas company and they told me that I had to talk to the Superintendent because they could not release any info about the situation. So, I called the school district and spoke to a super nice woman at the front desk. She explained to me that a valve had come loose and the kids were removed (from just the one building) and the gas company was called. I asked them how long it took for the gas company to arrive and she was not able to give me that information (she did not know the answer). I wanted to know that because as far a gas goes (and I am no gas expert) when it is a leak, big or small, it is still leaking, right? So, gas is being released into the air and is spreading everywhere. Which can cause and even larger explosion. I wanted to find out from the gas company if there was a pipe going from building to building, but they wouldn't release that info either. So, I am just guessing at this point, but I think there probably is. So, they DID evacuate the one building almost immediately, but the other building was not because it was a SMALL leak, but there defiantly was a leak and it leaked and it leaked and it leaked.....if there are any gas experts out there please educate me on this. I asked them about the protocol and she could not tell me. I told her that this was beyond just our little school and that there needs to be a protocol for this kind of situation. (There could be and she did not know and I am in the process of finding out-if there is what is it and was it fully executed and if there isn't why not??). So, I have an appointment with Mr. Smyer (Superintendent) on Tuesday. I would like to walk in there educated and informed. FYI-I also brought up the whole cold-day-coat situation too. If you have any other concerns or things you want discussed please leave me a comment. I would also welcome anyone who would like to go with me!!! I am a little nervous and intimidated so I would be more than happy to have you come with me!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ALL DECLO ELEMENTARY Moms! Are the kids really Safe???

DISCLAIMER: I have numerous friends and family that work at this school and I know WITHOUT a doubt that they are amazing people who DO care about our children like they are their own. This is not intended to be a reflection on them or the work ethic. I do think that this is a good school and I am happy that we have it in our community, I just think that some changes need to be made....

Most likely none of you know that on Monday the 19th of January there was a gas leak at Declo Elementary. I am still in the process of getting all the details, but here is what I know to date:

The gas leak was in the north building. That building was eventually evacuated and the kids were taken to the gym to watch a movie for 2 hours. The other children in the main building stayed in their classes as if nothing was wrong. Because I do not know all the details (I am still waiting to hear back from Intermountain Gas) my main concern is what is the protocol for this kind of situation? As far as I have been told there is not one. So, too my knowledge when there is a gas leak (that I do know was smelled throughout the entire building and gave people headaches) if there is one little spark there can be an explosion. Now, if there is a gas line (which I am guessing there is) running from building to building, wouldn't they both go up in flames if there was an explosion??? So, would my little Tinley have died that day? OK, I know I am being dramatic, but seriously when my 2 girls step out of my front door and get on the Cassia County School District bus they are in the care of our school district with their employees acting as their caregiver. I spoke to the school about this the next day and felt as though they side stepped the situation. I was told that the situation was under control and it was a small leak. Is any gas leak a small leak? How much gas does it take to cause an explosion? When talking with someone who works at the school I was told that their gut instinct was to get ALL the children out and them to the Junior High if not to the High School. So, this tells me that the situation was initially perceived as dangerous and why not error on the side of caution and make sure that all our children are safe?

I have another example of our children not being taken care of if you would like to keep on reading, here it is....

On December 2, 2008, there was high wind advisory for the Magic Valley around 11:00. The children were sent to lunch with just a jacket instead of their coats because there was announcement that students wouldn’t be allowed outside for recess. Since there are no coat hangers or places for the coats, the students left their coats in the classroom.

The aide on duty, and was in charge of the students. The students apparently got out of control and she sent them outside because they were being too loud. The kids all had to go outside. Some kids specifically asked the aide if they could get their coat, and were denied. The aide changed the principal’s and teacher’s plans for the students to be in the gym, and consequently put the children in danger.

The temperature that day was 28 degrees with winds between 27- 31 mph according to the National Weather Service which can feel like -5 below. If the weather was bad enough that Mrs. Hunsaker cancelled recess…..isn’t it too cold for students to be outside with or without appropriate clothing? The students were told to go outside as a way to punish them and teach them a lesson for being so loud in the gym. Not all students were being bad, but all students were being punished and this is not a way to disciple anyway.

We don’t punish criminals or inmates by sending them outside without coats on during a high wind advisory with low temperatures, so why on earth would we do that to our students? Recess is the appropriate time for students to get their wiggles out.

It has been said that the maximum time that the students were outside was 4 minutes. Now, don’t you think that if it was really 4 minutes that you would have just listened to them for that amount of time? Why would you send students out in those conditions?

It was confirmed by some students that they were sent out after the third graders left, which was much longer than 4 minutes.

The school was questioned about this and they said that the students could huddle up in the vestibules or against the wall of the building. I am curious how many students possibly fit in there?

In the Cassia Co. Mission Statement is reads that all students and personnel are entitled to a safe and comfortable environment. When this was read to the school they had nothing to say. We need to refuse to have our children treated like cattle. If we were to leave our children outside in those conditions at our homes and a neighbor drove by, we would be reported to Health & Welfare Child Services. If we don’t stand up for our children, no one will.

I have talked to MANY mothers that have expressed numerous concerns about our school and our children's safety, but so far I have seen little action. If we don't, as parents, do something about this it will continue to happen. We need to unite together to make some changes for the welfare of our children!!! Whose with me????? I would love some feedback, good or bad on what you think. Don't feel uncomfortable to leave me a comment even if I don't know you...I will admit there have been many blogs I have stalked when I don't know the person well....isn't that what blogs are for?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas dresses

I don't know why each year I buy a Christmas dress for my girls to wear to church because they only wear it one time. But this year (thanks to Geanie) we found these beautiful dresses for $18...what a steal of a deal (doesn't it just make them soooo much cuter when they are cheap too!). Shae was in a foul mood (imagine that) so this is the best we could do. I later got the picture of her with Haylie.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pocket Full of Sunshine

Our little Shae, which we often refer to as Sunshine, is getting to be quite the little stinker! Now that she is four, she is very OLD and mature and she reminds us of that daily. Last night after I put Haylie and Tinley to bed I was paying some bills downstairs. Shaelee kept running in the office and reporting on went something like this.......

Shae: "Mom, Haylie can't sleep" or "Mom, Haylie really needs you to lay by her".

This happened about 200 times and each time I patiently (yeah right!) said....

me: Shae, leave your sister alone and she will fall asleep.

Of course Shaelee didn't and when I finally finished my business downstairs Haylie was still awake. Shaelee wanted to go in and check on her again, when I said......


Shae: I'm going to tell....

me: Oh yeah, who are you going to tell?

Shae: Tinley (who was already asleep on the top bunk)

me: If you step one foot in that room you will get hot sauce!! (the ultimate threat in our house!)

Shae: (hand on hips and doing the home-girl head bob) I won't walk in, I will just put my head in and tell her!

I must admit that was pretty cleaver. She is getting way too smart for me. If she is figuring out these loop holes already, what am I going to do when she is 16!?!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Oh, How I Love the Holidays!

The Elf on the Shelf...he keeps my kids in line! He appears in December and lives on our shelf. Each night after we are asleep he goes back to the North Pole and reports to Santa about the day. Each morning he is in a new spot, so my kids had to find him. He is magic, so they can't touch him, but they could whisper what they wanted for Christmas and he would let Santa know. Oh, how I love our little elf we named Griddle.
The Tree
The Stockings Were Hung
Christmas Jammies!
The Reindeer's' Treats! Christmas Day
Grandma and Grandpa got them each a sleeping bag with their name on it. They have slept in them every night. It has been one big slumber party!
Playing in the snow
And it can be tough work sometimes!
Shaelee's big party at the bowling alley
Unwrapping the goods!
Happy Birthday to me!!
The Loveland's threw the best New Year's party ever! Lots of good food and games...who could ask for more?!

Happy New Year!