Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas dresses

I don't know why each year I buy a Christmas dress for my girls to wear to church because they only wear it one time. But this year (thanks to Geanie) we found these beautiful dresses for $18...what a steal of a deal (doesn't it just make them soooo much cuter when they are cheap too!). Shae was in a foul mood (imagine that) so this is the best we could do. I later got the picture of her with Haylie.


Melanie said...

I used to LOVE to shopping for Christmas dresses. They all look so cute and what a great steal.

Mindy said...

I love seeing my girls in their Christmas dresses too! They are so fun to buy.... and so fun to see them wearing them to church. Thanks for sharing!!

And.. I think boys come by the teasing naturally. McKade is awfully good at it!

Melissa said...

your kids are so cute! I love their hair! I always notice girl's hair because Brynn doesn't have any and I am always jealous! Brynn was talking about Shaeley the other day, after they played at Tara's. She just kept talking and talking about her, so she must be smitten with her or something!

strickland party of six said...

Hey its me again poping in to see, btw its chkkbjstrickland.blogspot if you want to see our again to make sure you remember who is checking out your blog, i to give my kids hot sauce and with my 3 yr okd she doesnt care what am I going to do with her, she is quite the handful I have said if military would take her I'd send her. And we also have that same elf we habe had him for 2yrs now and sometimes he didnt go to the north pole because he was so tired from watching the kids fight all day so he gave them another chance to be go the next day...

Silcock Family said...

Love the dresses! Yes its always cutter when they are cheaper! I haven't seen you in forever!

Laura said...

Cute fam. I will now be keeping up on your blog. Yeah!!!