Thursday, June 19, 2008

I have joined the movement!

Ok people...I have done it. I read Twilight, the greatest book ever written. It is true, every priority I ever had (kids included) went out the window for 2 straight days as I sat on the edge of my seat captivated by the book (thank heavens for super absorbent diapers and dry cereal!). There are few things that I can say are life changing, Tai Pan, the Tropical Salad at Wild Flour Cafe and now I can add Twilight to my list. If you have not joined the movement you must! Thanks to Geanie for finally motivating me to read it! BTW-check Geanie's blog out...she's got some great info on Twilight!


Ashley Wray said...

Haha, glad that you enjoyed it so much! Now you have 2, almost 3 books to look forward too! I'm going to have to try this Wild FLour Cafe (it's on Overland right?) I've heard amazing things! Glad your kids survived :)

Sarah Stokes said...

Sooo happy for you now that you have joined the "movement" I loved these books and can't wait for the 4th one, and the movie 12-08 yeah baby!