Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm Shutin' 'Er Down!

Well, I think my blogging days have come to an end. I am just not feelin' it anymore. I don't have anything good to say and quite frankly my life is pretty I have made an executive decision to shut down my blog. I will still be blog stalking all my fellow keep the reports comin'! Love y'all! Peace out my sista's (and brotha's...just in case)!!!


Jerolyn said...

I feel ya! Buh Bye...

Adele said...

Oh... sad Carie!! I never get to see you and now i won't even get to hear any updates... miss ya!

Laura said...

But I enjoyed keeping in touch through your blog. Now it will have to be just through Facebook. You are still going to be on Facebook right?

Silcock Family said...

Your so funny! Hope I'm one of you fellow peeps my life is pretty boring too so you might not stalk my blog. I love running into you in town, you are always so hot!

jeff and char said...

time is flying by faster then in the beginning of the blogging days huh!

jeff and char said...

time is flying by faster then in the beginning of the blogging days huh!

jeff and char said...

time is flying by faster then in the beginning of the blogging days huh!