Thursday, May 8, 2008

More Candy Please!



(I want to suck your blood!)

Well, yesterday Geanie and I were able to take Tinley and Shaelee to the dentist. Tinley had eight...yes that is right, eight cavities. I tried to talk the dentist into pulling them, but he assured me that she had to have them to eat....dang! Who needs to eat, right? Isn't that what got us into this mess in the first place. After crying on the dentist's shoulder (yes, I really did), he was able to fill 3 cavities and do 1 root canal. Tinley did awesome! Shaelee had 2 teeth pulled a few weeks ago and she had to go back for a check-up. So far so good, looks like she is keeping all the rest of her pearly whites! Thanks Geanie for helping me out and keeping me calm! (Aren't you all so happy that you were able to see the inside of my kid's mouths! Aren't blogs great!)


Silcock Family said...

you are SO funny! I need to start posting things like you do. I'm always so boring! I'm so glad I got to see your children's teeth :)

Jaeson and Traci Repscher said...

Candy is good for kids! If people stop giving their kids candy, dentists can't go on any fun vacations! More candy for your children! ;) JK.